Teatro alla Scala, I due Foscari

Teatro alla Scala, I due Foscari

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

VeraMusica Productions  presents highlights of the opera Aïda. 
A group of talented young singers will be performing highlights of Verdi’s Aïda, 
on May 9th and 12th. 
Performances will take place at:

Milbank Memorial Chapel, 
Teacher’s College / Columbia University
525 West 120th Street in Manhattan, between Broadway and Amsterdam

Aïda  - Sandra Mercado
Amneris  - Sara Murphy
Radames  - Byron Singleton (5/9) / Ubaldo Feliciano (5/12)
Amonasro  - Gregory Freilino (5/9) / Stefanos Koroneos (5/12)
Ramfis  - Thomas Clifford 
King  - Jorge Ocasio (5/9) / David Wadden (5/12)
Messenger  - Georgios Argeratos
Priestess  - Jennifer Furst

Accompanied by the two piano ensemble of Gordon Schermer
and Laetitia Ruccolo, under the direction of 
Maestro Brian Holman.

Both performances will start at 7:20 PM.
Tickets for sale at the door $20.00.
For more information write info@veramusicaltd.com

www.veramusicaltd.com dedicated to excellence