Epiphany, Merry Christmas... hu...!?
For us who grew up Catholic, today is Epiphany, a very beautiful day in our tradition in which children get gifts, just like the tradition of Northern latitudes with Santa Claus.
Yesterday I was driving in my neighborhood, what a beautiful day, such tropical quality in the light of the sun so bright yellow, it warmed the heart in spite of the terrible cold embrace that enveloped Southenr New England and all of North America. It reminded me of the color of the light of January 5th 1967, when at 9 years of age I still believed that the Three Wise Men, or the Three Magician Kings (as we call them), come to each house and deliver gifts for children, as Santa does on December 25th. That afternoon my father sent me to the fields to get a lot of grass for the camels, horses, donkeys and mules in which Los Tres Reyes Magos de Oriente carried the gifts. Other things I had to get was Rum, Beer, Cigarettes, Cookies, Mint Caramels... all the brands my father liked... HM... I was really innocent, and my dear father ALFREDO CHAHIN-MUFDY made such a fuzz on Epiphany that it totally blinded me, and did not let me suspect one Jota of the truth.
His Epiphany stunts were never equaled then or since. It is not love talking.
But that is another story.
I had a rude awakening the next morning when I found out from my mother that it was not so...
But that is, also, another story.
Today is Epiphany.
But today is THE REAL CHRISTMAS, as my friend of a life time Yeoryia Megremis calls it.
This is the day in which the Orthodox Church celebrates Christmas. In fear of what Yeoryia might do to me, I must say Greek Orthodox Church.
My Paternal family, it just so happens, back in the land that gave birth to all of them, Palestine, -in their old town of Beit-Jala-, those who were religious practiced the Orthodox Religion in the Church of St. Nicholas, which was built by my great-grandfather Yadallah El-Mufdy. (What a beautiful name my great-grandfather's. It means: The hand of God which is generous to a fault). They still remembered him, they knew who he was in town when I went to visit in the year 2,000, precisely for his generosity and his behavior during the war of 1,917...
But that is another story.
Together with my dear Yeoryia Megremis, today I celebrate Christmas again, I also celebrate Epiphany with all my Catholic friends.
I am a man who wears many hats. But my heart is steady.
Filled with Joy as I am, I will get on my BUICK in a few hours and drive to the Big Apple in this cold day... 19º...
But my heart is warm.
I wish all, friends and foes, a very happy and blessed day. May this day, may the Three Wise Men from the Orient deposit in our hearts some Wisdom, Thirst for Justice, and do away with our pettiness.
Blessings to all.
dedicated to excellence